B Sharp Scholarship Benefit Concert featured on WKTV - Morning Mug Club - October 11, 2019

B Sharp concert, Feb. 10, 2019 - Solene leVan and Sar-Shalom Strong

B Sharp concert, Feb. 10, 2019 -Solene leVan and Sar-Shalom Strong

B Sharp concert, Feb. 10, 2019 - Solene leVan and Sar-Shalom Strong


Power of Music?

Never doubt that truth;

We need its power as ne'er before;

The stalwart hymns our rugged fathers sing;

Symphonies, teaching Victory through Pain;

At Christmastime, the Carols, clear and sweet---

Oh, keep this power of Music!

Yield it not!

Written by Genevieve Swarthout and dedicated to the B Sharp Musical Club