John Murphy - President         

Colleen O'Neill & Bill Thistleton - Co-Vice Presidents

John Krause - Recording Secretary

Peter Costianes - Corresponding Secretary

Elizabeth Carville Evans- Treasurer

Sally Mungari- Assistant Treasurer

Judy Marchione - Scholarship Treasurer


Past presidents, Officers and Committee Chairs



Chair - Eileen Allen

Dan Evans - Betty Lou Frye - Sally Mungari

Tina Toglia - Nancy Bender


Jim Apel - Apel Accounting


Composed of current and past performers. Receives requests for audition for performing status. They arrange a hearing for applicants and approve or deny performing status. At the discretion of the chairs, auditions may be waived for well-known local performers.

Elizabeth Carville Evans - Chair

 Betty Lou Frye - Beverly Nelson - Fiona Peters - Joanna Robertson

Sar-Shalom Strong - Eileen Allen - Nick Echeverry

Lauralyn Kolb - John Krause - Judy Marchione


Considers matters pertaining to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club, and proposes any changes needed for those documents.

Lauralyn Kolb - Chair

Kathy Austin - Arlene M. Iagnocco - Eileen Allen - Beverly Nelson - Ruth Ridgeway

Margaret Tallman - Nick Echeverry


Arranges outside programs for groups and clubs who request them.

Peter Costianes - Chair

Michael DiMeo - Dan Evans


Sends cards to members who are ill and sympathy cards to bereaved members. When the death of a B Sharp member occurs, a contribution of fifty dollars ($50.00) will be made to the Scholarship Fund from the regular funds of the Club as a memorial to that person, and a letter of sympathy shall be sent to the member’s family, informing them of the gift.

Lisa Jones - Chair

Eileen Allen


Receives all requests for membership and refers prospective performers to the Audition Committee.

John Murphy - Chair


Colleen Pellman-Chair

Arlene M. Iagnocco - Judy Marchione 

Sar-Shalom Strong - Margaret Tallman


Sets the schedule of programs and performers for the year, and works with all performing members to ensure they have a date and venue for the coming year.

Tina Toglia- Chair

Peter Costianes - Mary Colburn - Eileen Allen

Mary Holzhauer - Elizabeth Carville Evans - Melinda Benson

Colleen O'Neil -- Joanna Robertson - Judy Marchione - Claire Wilcox - Ying Wu


Attends to all publicity connected with the Club, particularly for performances.

Peter Costianes - Chair

Tina Toglia - Website

Stephanie Mata - Facebook

Ying Wu & Htee Mu - Instagram

Nancy Bender - Mike McCormick

Heather Buchanan-Wise  - Jr B Sharp Communications Intern


Arranges any receptions, including those following our fall benefit concert 

and our competition winners’ recital in the spring.

Vacant - Chair

Tina Beck - Richard Pashley 

Htee Mu - Arlene M. Iagnocco 


Arranges for the annual scholarship auditions and administers scholarship funds, 

subject to the approval of the Club.

Lauralyn Kolb - Chair

Judy Marchione - Scholarship Treasurer

Kathy Austin - Peter Costianes -Ying Wu - Elizabeth Carville Evans - Stephanie Mata - Mike McCormick

Sar-Shalom Strong - Tina Toglia - John Krause - Claire Wilcox

Colleen Pellman - Chantal Brundage - Melinda Benson - Arlene M. Iagnocco


Attends Junior B Sharp Club meetings, assist with the Junior Membership auditions, 

and assume responsibility in advising and assisting the Junior B Sharp officers and club members.

Sar-Shalom Strong and Kathy Austin - Co-Chairs

Joan Batson - Lauralee Driscoll - Elizabeth Carville Evans - Lauralyn Kolb - Peter Loftus

Joanna Robertson - Allyson Sklar

John Krause - Htee Mu


Sally Mungari - Chair


John Murphy - Chair

Judy Marchione - Scholarship Treasurer

Kathy Austin - Betty Lou Frye - Peter Loftus - Mary Murphy - Beverly Nelson

Arlene M. Iagnocco - Sar-Shalom Strong


John Murphy - Chair

Tina Toglia- B Sharp Programs

Sar-Shalom Strong and Kathy Austin - Jr. B Sharp Programs