Jr. B Sharp Events Calendar 2023-2024

B Sharp Scholarship Winners Concert

Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 2:00  PM

MUNSON - Sinnott Family Bank of Utica Auditorium

310 Genesee St., Utica, NY

Congratulations to our Jr. B Sharp Winners!

Piano 1st prize - Sarah M.

Piano Honorable Mention - Felicia H., Ethan L., Jierui L. and Colin S.

Voice 3rd prize - Danniella R.

Winds, Brass, Percussion 1st prize - Felicia H.

Winds, Brass, Percussion 2nd prize - Juhyun P.

Strings 1st prize - Heather B.

Strings 2nd prize - Ethan L.

Strings 3rd prize - Kenny H.

Strings Honorable Mention - Subeen P.

Reception to follow

Annual Benefit Concert

to benefit

Freedom Guide Dogs

Sunday, June 9, 2024 - 3 PM

Stone Presbyterian Church, Clinton, NY

Senior Advisors - John Murphy and Beth Evans

Reception to follow

Past Events

Season Kick-off Picnic

Food, Friends, and Fun!

Monday, September 18, 2023 - 5:30 PM

Home of John Murphy

7856 Brimfield Street, Clinton, NY

Senior Advisors - John Murphy and Lauralyn Kolb

Monthly Meeting

Stage Presence - Peter Loftus

Monday, October 16, 2023 - 7 PM

Grace Church - 6 Elizabeth Street, Utica, NY

Fun Fact Composer - Camille Saint-Saens

Performances by our officers

Gabriella, violin - Juhyun, flute - Felicia, piano - Jierui, piano - Michael, organ

Senior Advisor - Peter Loftus

New Member Auditions before the meeting

Jazz - Monk Rowe

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 - 7 PM

Grace Church, 6 Elizabeth St., Utica, NY

Fun-Fact Composer - Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel

Performances by student members

Michael, piano - Scarlett-Skye, violin - Marlee, voice - Natalie, piano - Ethan, organ

Senior Advisor - Lauralee Driscoll

Winter Celebration

Friday, December 8, 2023 - 6 PM

The Treehouse Reading and Art Center

587 Main St. Suite 304, New York Mills, NY 13417

Fitness Mill Building, 3rd Floor

$5 Crazy Gift Exchange

Senior Advisor - Joanna Robertson

Monthly Meeting

Indonesian Gamelan - Lydia Hammessley

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 - 7 PM

Wellin Hall, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY

Fun-Fact Composer - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Performances by student members

Felicia, flute - Ethan, violin - Phoenix, voice - Sean, piano

Senior Advisor - Beth Evans

New Member Auditions before the meeting

Monthly Meeting

Music for the Chinese New Year - Ying Wu

Monday, February 12, 2024 - 7 PM

Schambach Center, Rm. 108, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY

Fun-Fact Composer - Giaccomo Rossini

Performances by student members

Subeen, violin - Sarah, piano - Gabriel, piano - Ananya, voice - Priyanka, voice - Colin, piano

String Quartet - Katherine, violin - Felicia, violin - Oliver, viola - Marlee, cello

Senior Advisor - Lauralyn Kolb

Monthly Meeting

Musical Collaboration - Tina Toglia

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - 7 PM

Schambach Center, Rm. 108 - Hamilton College, Clinton, NY

Fun-Fact Composer - Frederic Chopin

Performances by student members

Subeen, piano - Kenny, piano - Zoe, voice

Danniella, voice

Senior Advisor - Joan Batson

Monthly Meeting

All-performance Evening

Monday, April 15, 2023 - 7 PM

Grace Church, 6 Elizabeth St., Utica, NY

Fun-Fact Composer - Duke Ellington

Performances by student members

Gabriella, piano & voice - Heather, violin - Holly, violin - Kenny, violin

Jierui, voice - Oneil, flute - Ethan, piano - Grace, voice

B Sharp Scholarship Competition

Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 10 AM

MUNSON - Sinnott Family Bank of Utica Auditorium

310 Genesee St., Utica, NY

New Member Auditions

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 6 PM

Grace Church, 6 Elizabeth St., Utica, NY